Creating a sustainable future [video]

This new video featuring our partner Ecozen is sure to encourage you this holiday season. See how their work in renewable energy and agriculture impacts local farmers in India.
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Archive > 2022 > December
- 21/12 - Creating a sustainable future [video]
- 19/12 - Oikocredit sold equity investment in Indian microfinance institution Fusion
- 14/12 - Oikocredit supports smallholder cocoa farmers in Côte Ivoire
- 07/12 - Oikocredit and I&P take equity stakes in agro-processor Agroserv in Burkina Faso
- 05/12 - Microfinance addresses the gap: interview with Brij Mohan
- 02/12 - Oikocredit looks forward to 2023 with a new capital-raising model
- 01/12 - Oikocredit invests US$7 million in Solarise Africa to support affordable solar access for businesses in Africa