Nomination for appointment to the Supervisory Board

Joseph Patterson
Joseph Patterson has been nominated as candidate for appointment to the Supervisory Board of Oikocredit International by the Supervisory Board, to be voted on at the General Meeting of members in June.
Oikocredit International’s operations are managed by a two-tier board. The Supervisory Board oversees the company and an executive board, the Managing Board, handles the day-to-day operations.
The Supervisory Board (SB) is pleased to nominate Joseph Patterson to be appointed for a second term to serve on the SB, in accordance with the SB nomination procedures. The proposal follows the SB vacancy announcement which was made in November 2019. At the forthcoming 2020 General Meeting in June, members will be asked in a vote if they have any objection to this proposal.
Members of the Oikocredit International cooperative - Oikocredit (EDCS) U.A. - will also receive notice of this nomination via the Oikocredit members newsletter. The formal notice and full details of this proposal can be downloaded from the link below.