Oikocredit signs Fair Trade Charter to help reach the Sustainable Development Goals

Today, Oikocredit joined more than 250 organisations around the world in launching an International Fair Trade Charter which sets down the fundamental values of Fair Trade and defines a common vision toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Fair Trade contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of marginalised producers and workers – especially in the developing countries. Since its beginnings Oikocredit has supported and funded Fair Trade producers around the world.
The Charter seeks to help Fair Trade actors explain how their work connects with the shared values and generic approach, and to help others who work with Fair Trade to recognise those values and approaches. The document uses the term of ‘’Fair Trade organisations’’ to include all organisations and networks who tackle poverty and inequality through trade as part of their mission.
By supporting Fair Trade producers and businesses, advocating to transform the rules of global trade and buying Fair Trade products, we can all act to make sustainable and fair development a reality, and give the world a fighting chance of reaching the SDGs.
Find out more about the Fair Trade Charter here: https://www.fair-trade.website/the-charter-1