Changing text size

If the texts on this website are not legible, you can adjust the font size in the browser itself.

Enlarge the text with the mouse

  1. Press and hold down the CTRL key.
  2. Then move the mouse wheel forward (away from you) to zoom.
  3. Move the mouse wheel backward (toward you) to zoom out.

Enlarge text with the keyboard

  1. Press and hold down the CTRL key.
  2. Then press the "+" button to zoom.
  3. Press the "-" key to zoom out.

Get in touch

Maanaveeya Development & Finance Private Limited
Prashanthi Towers, 4th Floor, H. No. 8-2-293/82/564 A 43
Road No. 92, Jubilee Hills
500034 Hyderabad, Telangana
faxF: 00 91 40 23554729